2023 James H. Street Scholar: Huáscar Pessali

Congratulations to our 2023 James H. Street Scholar, Huáscar Pessali!

Huáscar Pessali is a full professor at the Economics Department and at the Public Policy Postgraduate Programme at the Federal University of Paraná (UFPR), Brazil. He was introduced to institutional economics by his MPhil Supervisor, Ramón Fernández – the James H. Street Scholar of 2021. In 2003 he finished his PhD at the University of Hertfordshire under the supervision of Geoffrey Hodgson – the Veblen-Commons Award recipient of 2012. Pessali was a Research Fellow at the Brazilian Instituto de Pesquisa Econômica Aplicada (IPEA) from 2008 to 2011, served at the UFPR Research Consulting Committee from 2010 to 2014, and was a co-founder of the Public Policy Postgraduate Program at his home university. He was the Director of the Program from 2017 to 2019, where he teaches a variety of courses with institutional content and supervises Mphil and PhD students from Economics and many other backgrounds, e.g. social work, law studies, odontology, psychology and law studies. He has been a consultant to the Brazilian Research Council (CNPq) since 2013. He has occasionally served as consultant to local and regional public offices regarding participatory institutions such as public policy councils and conferences. These institutions have come under the scope of his research interest over time, as part of a broader interest in economic development and other topics approached from an institutional standpoint. In addition to making extensive use of institutionalism in his work. Pessali is co-editor of a book with translations into Portuguese of classic articles by Veblen and Commons. He is currently working on the first translation of James H. Street's celebrated 1987 JEI article on "The Institutionalist Theory of Economic Growth" for Brazilian academic audiences.

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