Book Announcement - Reforming Capitalism for the Common Good: Essays in Institutional and Post-Keynesian Economics

Reforming Capitalism for the Common Good: Essays in Institutional and Post-Keynesian Economics, by Charles J. Whalen (Edward Elgar, 2022)
ISBN: 978 1 80392 628 5

Reforming Capitalism for the Common Good: Essays in Institutional and Post-Keynesian Economics (Edward Elgar) was published at the end of August and is now available for purchase in hardcover and ebook versions.

In the third book in his “pandemic trilogy” (see our posts on the other two here and here), author and AFEE member Charles J. Whalen argues that the current capitalist system under which we operate is unsustainable and must be reorganized from a labor-focused lens instead.

From the publisher: “In this book of carefully selected essays, Charles Whalen presents constructive analyses of vital economic problems confronting the United States since the 1970s, giving special attention to challenges facing working families. The analyses are grounded in Whalen’s career of more than three decades, during which he has gleaned insight from institutional and post-Keynesian economics and contributed to national economic policy-making, equitable regional development, and worker engagement in business decisions. The result is a compelling case for reforming capitalism by addressing workers’ interests as an integral part of the common good, and for reconstructing economics in the direction of post-Keynesian institutionalism.”

You can view more details, including the table of contents, and buy Reforming Capitalism for the Common Good: Essays in Institutional and Post-Keynesian Economics here.

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