Call for Abstracts: AFEE-EAEPE Sessions

In line with this year’s conference theme, the joint special session organized by RA [JAES] and RA [T] focuses on multiple crises via the concept of polycrisis. The conception stands for the complex interaction and negative “synergies” of the multiple international challenges that we are facing.

We conceptualize the polycrisis as relating to multiple, intertwined fundamental challenges, such as:

  • Ecological Crisis in the era of the Anthropocene.

  • Food Insecurity, upcoming even in developed countries of the West.

  • Health Crises, namely post-Covid-19.

  • Social Distribution/ Inequality/ Exclusion Crises.

  • Political Legitimacy Crises, with new nationalisms increasing and new rightist and inhumane movements.

  • Crises of International Relations, from war/peace issues through global change and decline of monopolarity (vs. multipolarity), “decoupling”, new cold war and iron curtains in Eurasia.

  • Crises in Production and Value-Added Chains, with a need for alternative organization and management institutions offering priority to social and environmental considerations.

Our aim is to bring together research and scholars from around the globe to discuss the future of Europe and of the global economy under the polycrisis through the lens of cutting-edge heterodox approaches. Our organizing principle for presenters will be to go beyond their individual specializations and consider polycrisis in the sense of reflecting critical interrelations with at least one other of those major challenges. Heterodox research will allow for a more realistic analysis for shaping change in Europe and in the global world, and for building institutions that will restore collective visions of humanity on a both global and European level.

In the same spirit, we plan to have a panel on the book “Heterodox Economics: Legacy and Prospects”, edited by Lynne Chester and Tae-Hee Jo (Routledge, 2022). Invited guest speakers of this panel include editor Lynne Chester (University of Sydney, Australia), and contributor Jamie Morgan (Leeds Beckett University, UK).

Finally, we aim to publish papers from the special session in relevant journals, such as EAEPE’s Review of Evolutionary Political Economy (REPE) and possibly the Journal of Institutional Studies (published in both Russian and English). REPE is about to launch a special call along the lines of the above, for a special issue in 2024/25 and long-standing Springer “Collection” with further special issues in the longer run.

Abstract Submission: Related abstracts (300-750 words) should be submitted electronically at the conference website before March 31, 2023. On the electronic form authors are reminded to select the option Polycrisis. How Heterodox Perspectives Can Deal with the Multiple Challenges in Europe and in the Global Economy (below the Research Areas).

Sent on behalf of coordinators: RA[JAES] Asimina Christoforou, Svetlana Kirdina-Chandler, Wolfram Elsner, RA[T] Carlo D’Ippoliti, Oliver Kessler.

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