This Week in AFEE: Vol. 4

Happy Friday, evolutionary economists! It’s been a quiet few weeks for us. This week is dedicated to our annual meeting. Here is your one-stop shop for all things AFEE at ASSA!

Call for Papers: AFEE at ASSA 2021

Annual Meeting, AFEE at ASSA, Chicago, IL, USA
January 3-5, 2021

Returning Realism to Economics

To quote Bill Dugger, “Realism is the touchstone of institutionalism. Institutionalists may differ over many particulars, but on this we agree: economics should be realistic; it should deal with the real world, the world as we find it, not the world we must assume in order to build determinate models. This does not mean that institutionalists wish to be atheorectical. Institutionalism is not opposed to theory. Instead, the quest for realism means that institutionalism starts with history, with human economic experience. It is from experience, not a priori first principles, that institutionalists try to theorize, and we criticize those who take shortcuts that avoid the messy details of the human experience.”

Recognizing the world as we find it is the first step in constructing theories, policies, and institutions to mitigate the problems we find. We are at a turning in the evolution of capitalism, whether we continue the reactionary policies of Trump or move beyond to address the problems at hand, economics must be rooted in the real world.

Of course, all papers that fall within the traditions of Veblen, Commons, and Polanyi will be considered. Papers that address the following, however, will receive special consideration.

  • Modern Monetary Theory: Returning Realism to Macroeconomics

  • Financing Progressive Programs

  • Theories, Policies, and Institutions to Mitigate Climate Change:

  • Technological Innovation and Corporate Power: Returning Realism to Microeconomics

  • Strengthening the Social Safety Set

  • The Failure of Neoliberalism 

AFEE at ICAPE: AFEE will continue to sponsor additional panels held in conjunction with the International Confederation of Associations for Pluralism in Economics (ICAPE). These sessions will begin at 3:30 pm on Tuesday, January 5 at Roosevelt University, finishing up Wednesday, January 6 by 12:30 pm. Submitters should indicate if they would be available to participate on an ICAPE panel on January 5TH or 6th. Papers presented at the AFEE-sponsored ICAPE sessions will be eligible for publication in the June 2021 issue of the Journal of Economic Issues. AFEE sponsored sessions must be approved by the Committee on Regional and International Conferences (CRIC).

Submission Requirements and Procedures

Deadline: The submission deadline is Monday, May 4; no late proposals will be considered. Acceptance or rejection notices will be issued by early June 2020.

Membership Requirement: At least one of the authors of any paper must be a member of AFEE by the submission deadline. For registration information, browse to  or contact Eric Hake (AFEE Secretary-Treasurer) at

Submissions: Please send your proposal as an email attachment to John Watkins (program chair) at and include the following information:

  • Name, professional affiliation, email address of the corresponding author, and the names and affiliations of co-authors.

  • Title of the proposed paper

  • JEL code(s) (browse to ).

  • Abstract of no more than 400 words. 

  • Please indicate your willingness to serve as a panel chair or discussant (specify fields).

  • Be sure to indicate if you are available to present, chair, or discuss on January 5th and 6th at the Roosevelt University for ICAPE.

Conference Proceedings: Papers presented at the AFEE meeting in Chicago are eligible for publication in the June 2021 issue of the Journal of Economic Issues. To be considered for publication, the text of your paper cannot exceed 2,850 words, with no more than four (4) pages (total) of double-spaced endnotes, references, tables, and figures. The deadline for submission to the JEI is December 14, 2020. JEI submission details will be circulated to authors whose proposals are accepted. Papers should be sent as an email attachment to William Waller, Editor of the JEI, at

This Week in AFEE is a weekly roundup of AFEE news from within our community and related content from around the internet. Submit your suggestions to

Member Highlight: Tonia Warnecke

Member Highlight: Felipe Almeida